Truthful revelation of information, specifically when the information disclosed is likely to be psychologically painful ("bad news") to the recipient (e.g., revelation to a patient or a patient's family of the patient's DIAGNOSIS or PROGNOSIS) or embarrassing to the teller (e.g., revelation of medical errors)
Truth Discourse : Critical theory since 1965 / edited by Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle
Here are entered works on advertising that includes false or misleading statements. Works on the portrayal of myth in advertising are entered under Myth in advertising
Truth maintenance systems : Truth maintenance systems : ECAI-90 workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, August 6, 1990 : proceedings / J.P. Martins, M. Reinfrank (eds.)
Truth maintenance systems -- Congresses : Truth maintenance systems : ECAI-90 workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, August 6, 1990 : proceedings / J.P. Martins, M. Reinfrank (eds.)
truth-making. : THISNESS PRESENTISM : an essay on time, truth, and ontology
Truth (Melbourne ed.) : The awful truth : the inside story of crime & sport / Brian Hansen
Truth -- Political aspects -- America : Devoir de mémoire : perspectives sociales et théoriques sur la vérité, la justice et la réconciliation dans les Amériques / sous la direction de Leila Celis, Martin Hébert
Truth -- Political aspects -- United States : Truth decay : an initial exploration of the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life / Jennifer Kavanagh, Michael D. Rich
Truth -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- Congresses : Faithful interpretations : truth and Islam in Catholic theology of religions / edited by Philip Geister, SJ and Gösta Hallonsten ; foreword by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP
Truth -- Religious aspects -- Congresses : The question of theological truth : philosophical and interreligious perspectives / edited by Frederiek Depoortere and Magdalen Lambkin
Truth -- Religious aspects -- Islam : Faithful interpretations : truth and Islam in Catholic theology of religions / edited by Philip Geister, SJ and Gösta Hallonsten ; foreword by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP