Tyrannosaurus rex -- Models. : Andy's Dinosaur Adventures: T-Rex And Imprint - Series 1 - Ep 15 / / Director: Miller, John
Tyrannosaurus rex -- South Dakota. : Tyrannosaurus Sue : the extraordinary saga of the largest, most fought over T. rex ever found / Steve Fiffer ; foreword by Robert T. Bakker
Tyrell, Lake (Vic.) : Shepparton region drainage and the Lake Tyrrell Scheme. Part 1. Shepparton region drainage reference volume / State Rivers and Water Supply Commission
Tyrell, Steve. : Contemporary musicians. Volume 52 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor
Tyrmand, Leopold -- Diaries : Diary 1954 / Leopold Tyrmand ; translated from the Polish by Anita Shelton and A.J. Wrobel
Tyrol Architecture Austria 20th century : Austria West : Tirol, Vorarlberg : neue Architektur = new architecture / Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm (ed.) ; with an essay by Otto Kapfinger
Tyrol (Austria) -- Antiquities. : The man in the ice : the preserved body of a Neolithic man reveals the secrets of the Stone Age / Konrad Spindler ; translated from the German by Ewald Osers
Tyrol (Austria) -- History. : The Protestants of Zillerthal and their exile from Tirol : an episode from the history of their homeland published in accordance with official documents / by Gustav von Gasteiger