UE/CE Propositions. : The European public prosecutor's office : an extended arm or a two-headed dragon? / L.H. Erkelens, A.W.H. Meij, M. Pawlik, editors
UE/CE Relais d'informations. : Public communication in the European Union : history, perspectives and challenges / edited by Chiara Valentini and Giorgia Nesti
UE/CE Traité de Maastricht. : The new intergovernmentalism : states and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era / edited by Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson, and Uwe Puetter
UEM. : EuroZone job crisis : trends and policy responses / prepared by Vincenzo Spiezia, Steven Tobin, Raymond Torres, Stefan Kühn, Elva López Mourelo, Clemente Pignatti, Daniel Samaan and Verónica Escudero ; International Labour Office, International Institute for Labour Studies