The new intergovernmentalism : states and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era / edited by Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson, and Uwe Puetter
First edition
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2015
The new intergovernmentalism and the study of European integration / Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson, and Uwe Puetter -- Changing conceptions of law and politics post-Maastricht. A union of member states : state transformation and the new intergovernmentalism / Christopher J. Bickerton ; The roles of law in a new intergovernmentalist European Union / Paul James Cardwell and Tamara Hervey ; Institutionalist dynamics behind the new intergovernmentalism : the continuous process of EU treaty reform / Thomas Christiansen -- Selected EU policy domains since 1992. The new intergovernmentalism and experiential learning in the common security and defence policy / Michael E. Smith ; Integrating in justice and home affairs : a case of new intergovernmentalism par excellence? / Sarah Wolff ; The new intergovernmentalism in financial regulation and European Banking Union / David Howarth and Lucia Quaglia -- EU institutions in the post-Maastricht period. The European Council : the centre of new intergovernmentalism / Uwe Puetter ; The Commission and the new intergovernmentalism : calm within the storm? / John Peterson ; The Court of Justice's dilemma -- between 'more Europe' and 'constitutional mediation' / Marie-Pierre Granger ; Legislative and judicial politics in the post-Maastricht era : the intergovernmentalist paradox in the Council of Ministers / Marzen Kloka and Susanne K. Schmidt ; The Eruopean Parliament : adversary or accomplice of the new intergovernmentalism? / Johannes Pollak and Peter Slominski ; De novo bodies and the new intergovernmentalism : the case of the European Central Bank / Dermot Hodson -- Critique and conclusions. Understanding the new intergovernmentalism : pre- and post-Maastricht EU studies / Simon Bulmer ; Conclusions : the post-Maastricht period and beyond / Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson, and Uwe Puetter
Challenges established assumptions about how EU member states behave, what supranational institutions want, and where the dividing line between high and low politics is located. Develops and new theoretical framework and draws conclusions about the state of political disequilibrium in which the EU operates
Includes bibliographical references (pages 329-369) and index