Ubiquitous computing -- Moral and ethical aspects : Emerging pervasive information and communication technologies (PICT) : ethical challenges, opportunities and safeguards / Kenneth D. Pimple, editor
Ubiquitous computing -- Research : Designing solutions-based ubiquitous and pervasive computing : new issues and trends / Francisco Milton Mendes Neto and Pedro Fernandes Ribeiro Neto, editors
Ubiquitous computing -- Security measures -- Congresses : Information security theory and practices : security and privacy of pervasive systems and smart devices : 4th IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, WISTP 2010, Passau, Germany, April 12-14, 2010 : proceedings / Pierangela Samarati [and others] (eds.)
Ubiquitous computing -- Social aspects -- Congresses : Artifical [i.e. artificial] intelligence for human computing : ICMI 2006 and IJCAI 2007 international workshops, Banff, Canada, November 3, 2006 and Hyderabad, India, January 6, 2007 : revised seleced [i.e. selected] and invited papers / Thomas S. Huang [and others] (eds.)
The act of ligating UBIQUITINS to PROTEINS to form ubiquitin-protein ligase complexes to label proteins for transport to the PROTEASOME ENDOPEPTIDASE COMPLEX where proteolysis occurs
Ubl, Hannsjörg, 1935- : Domi militiaeque militar- und andere Altertumer : festschrift fur Hannsjorg Ubl zum 85. Geburtstag
Ubu Repertory Theater. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n82242231 : Staging creolization : women's theater and performance from the French Caribbean / Emily Sahakian
Ubu roi Jarry, Alfred, 1873-1907 : Drama. 11, Ubu roi / produced and directed by Andrew Martin ; co-production of Miami-Dade Community College and British Broadcasting Corporation/British Open University