Umehara, Ryūzaburō, 1888-1986. : Shirakaba and Japanese modernism : art magazines, artistic collectives, and the early avant-garde / by Erin Schoneveld
Umfrage Akademiker Berufsanfang Europa : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Umfrage Akademiker Berufstätigkeit Europa : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Umfrage Europa Akademiker Berufsanfang : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Umfrage Europa Akademiker Berufstätigkeit : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Umgebungseinfluss : Healing spaces : the science of place and well-being / Esther M. Sternberg
Umgedrehter Unterricht : The inverted classroom model : the 2nd German ICM-Conference - proceedings / Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke, Natalie Kiesler, Leonie Wiemeyer
Umhüllungskonstruktion -- Bildband. : Building skins / Christian Schittich (ed.) ; with essays contributed by Christian Schittich, Werner Lang, Roland Krippner ; [translation, German/English, Peter Greene, Ingrid Taylor]
Umibe no Kafuka Murakami, Haruki, 1949- English : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 2 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, editor ; foreword by Margaret Brantley