Underwater drilling -- Safety measures : Macondo well Deepwater Horizon blowout : lessons for improving offshore drilling safety / Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future, Marine Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Academy of Engineering, and National Research Council of the National Academies
Here are entered works on the engineering aspects of equipment and techniques facilitating operations beneath the surface of the ocean in order to exploit its resources. General works on the application of engineering to ships and their machinery are entered under Marine engineering
Underwater exploration -- Hungary -- Budapest : Budapest inferno : the secret of the Molnar Janos cave / producers, Attila Dávid Molnár, Zsolt Marcell Tóth ; produced by Filmjungle Productions ; written, directed and edited by Balázs Lerner & Gergely Balázs
Underwater exploration -- International cooperation : Exploration of the seas : voyage into the unknown / Committee on Exploration of the Seas, Ocean Studies Board, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Underwater exploration -- New Zealand : Exploring the earth under the sea : Australian and New Zealand achievements in the first phase of IODP Scientific Ocean Drilling, 2008-2013 / edited by Neville Exon
Underwater exploration -- United States : Exploration of the seas : voyage into the unknown / Committee on Exploration of the Seas, Ocean Studies Board, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies