Women and the League of Nations -- The founding mothers of the United Nations -- Human rights are women's rights -- The United Nations Decade for Women (1976-1985): a decade of development -- All issues are women's issues in the 1990s -- The Beijing conference: a grand consolidation -- Celebrating 30 years of progress: Beijing+10 -- Epiloque: will the world change?
Women's participation -- Government policy
Human rights -- Women's issues
Intergovernmental co-operation -- Women's rights
Annexes (p. 131-157): An open letter to the women of the world [from the women delegates and advisers at the 1st session of the UN General Assembly, 12 Feb. 1946] -- 2. Gender equality architecture and UN reform [paper submitted] to the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on System-wide Coherence / by the Center for Women's Global Leadership and the Women's Environment and Development Organization -- 3. United Nations world conferences -- 4. Selected United Nations and international NGO resources
Available also at UN-NGLS website (viewed 13 Feb. 2007)
Material type: Handbooks, manuals
UN Job no.: G0750031 E
Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-130)