United States. Agency for International Development. Office of Rural and Institutional Development. Employment and Enterprise Development Division. PISCES Project -- See PISCES Project
United States. Agent Orange Act of 1991. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no91009800 : Post-Vietnam dioxin exposure in agent orange-contaminated C-123 aircraft / Committee to Evaluate the Potential Exposure of Agent Orange/TCDD Residue and Level of Risk of Adverse Health Effects for Aircrew of Post-Vietnam C-123 Aircraft, Board on the Health of Select Populations, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
United States Agent Orange Law and legislation : Report of the special master pertaining to the disposition of the settlement fund : in re "Agent Orange" product liability litigation / Kenneth R. Feinberg
United States Aggressiveness in girls : Girls, aggression, and intersectionality : transforming the discourse of "mean girls" in the United States / edited by Krista McQueeney and Alicia Girgenti-Malone
United States Agile project management : Healthcare digital transformation : how consumerism, technology and pandemic are accelerating the future / Edward W. Marx and Paddy Padmanabhan ; foreword by Toby Cosgrove, MD
United States Aging Encyclopedias : The essential guide to aging in the twenty-first century : mind, body, and behavior / Donald H. Kausler, Barry C. Kausler, Jill A. Krupsaw
United States Aging ethnology : Handbook of minority aging / editors, Keith E. Whitfield and Tamara A. Baker ; associate editors, Cleopatra M. Abdou [and 7 others]
United States Aging Nutritional aspects Congresses : Nutrition and Healthy Aging in the Community : Workshop Summary / Sheila Moats and Julia Hoglund, Rapporteurs ; Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
United States Aging parents Biography : Mimi and Dona / a film by Sophie Sartain ; produced, written and directed by Sophie Sartain ; a co-production of Sophie Sartain and the Independent Television Service (ITVS)