United States Supercomputers Research : Mathematical foundations of high-performance computing and communications / Panel on the Mathematical Sciences in High-Performance Computing and Communications, Board on Mathematical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council
United States Superheroes Drama : Watchmen / Warner Bros. Pictures and Paramount Pictures present in association with Legendary Pictures, a Lawrence Gordon/Lloyd Levin production, a Zack Synder film ; produced by Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, Deborah Snyder ; screenplay by David Hayter and Alex Tse ; directed by Zack Snyder
United States. Superintendent of Capitol Buildings and Grounds -- Congresses : Working in Olmsted's shadow : guidance for developing a scope of services for the update of the master plan for the U.S. capitol and grounds / Committee to Provide Assistance to the Architect of the Capitol to Develop a Scope of Services for the Update of the Master Plan for the U.S. Capitol and Grounds, Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council
United States Supermarkets Congresses : The changing times : guideposts for decision makers : proceedings of the Mid-year Conference of Super Market Institute, Bal Harbour, Florida, January 7-10, 1962
United States Supermarkets Management : We are Market Basket : the story of the unlikely grassroots movement that saved a beloved business / Daniel Korschun and Grant Welker
United States. Supreme Court -- Anniversaries, etc : Breakfast to the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States : in the American Academy of Music, September 15, 1887 / by the Bar of Philadelphia