Unskilled labor -- Sri Lanka : Social protection for unskilled migrant workers in Sri Lanka : legal aspects, National Policies, and Social Protection Programmes / Roshini Jayaweera, Marasinghe Mudiyanselage Gunatilake, editors
Unskilled labor -- Wisconsin -- Milwaukee : The Latino question : politics, labouring classes and the next Left / Armando Ibarra, Alfredo Carlos and Rodolfo D. Torres ; foreword by Christine Neumann-Ortiz
Unsteady flow (Aerodynamics) -- Mathematical models : IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control : proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium "Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control," Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007 / Marianna Braza, Kerry Hourigan, editors
Unsteady flow (Aerodynamics) -- Mathematical models -- Congresses : IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control : proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium "Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control," Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007 / Marianna Braza, Kerry Hourigan, editors
Unsteady flow (Fluid dynamics) -- Mathematical models -- Congresses : IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control : proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium "Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control," Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007 / Marianna Braza, Kerry Hourigan, editors
Gait abnormalities that are a manifestation of nervous system dysfunction. These conditions may be caused by a wide variety of disorders which affect motor control, sensory feedback, and muscle strength including: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES; PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES; NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES; or MUSCULAR DISEASES
Functional proteins that do not have unique, stable, folded, three-dimensional native structures or that possess non-ordered regions under physiological conditions. They are characterized by extraordinary structural flexibility and plasticity, which enable them to adopt different conformations in response to different stimuli or different interactions
Here are entered works on attempted suicide. Works on deliberate acts of self-harm in which there is no intent to die are entered under Parasuicide --subdivision Suicidal behavior under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Here are entered works on attempted suicide. Works on deliberate acts of self-harm in which there is no intent to die are entered under Parasuicide --subdivision Suicidal behavior under classes of persons and ethnic groups