Urine -- Analysis -- Case studies : Urine tests : a case-based guide to clinical evaluation and application / Victoria J.A. Sharp, Lisa M. Antes, M. Lee Sanders, Gina M. Lockwood, editors
Urine -- Anecdotes. : Taking the piss : a potted history of pee / Adam Hart-Davis & Emily Troscianko ; with illustrations by Jolyon Troscianko
urine Cat Diseases : Atlas of canine and feline urinalysis / Theresa E. Rizzi, Amy Valenciano, Mary Bowles, Rick Cowell, Ronald Tyler, Dennis B. DeNicola
Urine -- chemistry : The urinary proteome : methods and protocols / edited by Alex J. Rai
urine Dog Diseases : Atlas of canine and feline urinalysis / Theresa E. Rizzi, Amy Valenciano, Mary Bowles, Rick Cowell, Ronald Tyler, Dennis B. DeNicola
Urine -- Examination -- Case studies : Urine tests : a case-based guide to clinical evaluation and application / Victoria J.A. Sharp, Lisa M. Antes, M. Lee Sanders, Gina M. Lockwood, editors
urine Solanaceous Alkaloids : Television and social behavior : beyond violence and children : a report of the Committee on Television and Social Behavior Social Science Research Council / edited by Stephen B. Withey, Ronald P. Abeles
Urinetown Hollmann, Mark, 1963- : Drama for students. Volume 27 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Urinetown Kotis, Greg : Drama for students. Volume 27 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Urkesh (Extinct city) -- Antiquities : Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši = Evidence of the early religion of the Hurrians in ancient Urkesh / Tibor Sedláček
Urkesh (Extinct city) Syria : Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši = Evidence of the early religion of the Hurrians in ancient Urkesh / Tibor Sedláček
Urkundensprache : Substantivderivation in der Urkundensprache des 13. Jahrhunderts : eine historisch-synchrone Untersuchung anhand der ältesten deutschsprachigen Originalurkunden / Uli Ring
Urlaub : Work, vacation and well-being : who's afraid to take a break? / Dalia Etzion