Utbildning -- historia -- Tyskland -- medeltiden. : Studenten und Gelehrte : studien zur Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte deutscher Universitäten im Mittelalter = Students and scholars : a social and cultural history of German medieval universities / Rainer Christoph Schwinges
Utbildning -- Latinamerika. : Child labor and education in Latin America : an economic perspective / edited by Peter F. Orazem, Guilherme Sedlacek, and Zafiris Tzannatos
utbildning och undervisning Barn med ADHD : High-functioning autism/Asperger syndrome in schools : assessment and intervention / Frank J. Sansosti, Kelly A. Powell-Smith, Richard J. Cowan
utbildning och undervisning Begåvade barn : Fundamentals of gifted education : considering multiple perspectives / [edited by] Carolyn M. Callahan, Holly L. Hertberg-Davis
utbildning och undervisning Läs- och skrivkunnighet : Handbook of research on literacy and diversity / edited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, Diane Lapp ; foreword by Edmund W. Gordon ; afterword by Eric J. Cooper
utbildning och undervisning Omvårdnad : Educating nurses : a call for radical transformation / Patricia Benner, Molly Sutphen, Victoria Leonard, Lisa Day ; foreword by Lee S. Shulman
utbildning och undervisning Tvåspråkighet : Educational linguistics in practice : applying the local globally and the global locally / edited by Francis M. Hult and Kendall A. King
Utbildning -- psykologiska aspekter. : The learning relationship : psychoanalytic thinking in education / Biddy Youell ; with contributions from the writings of Hamish Canham
utbildning Skolan : Growing up in England : the experience of childhood, 1600-1914 / Anthony Fletcher
Utbildning -- U-länder. : Educating all children : a global agenda / Joel E. Cohen, David E. Bloom, and Martin B. Malin, editors
Utbildning -- U-länder -- finansiering. : From schooling access to learning outcomes, an unfinished agenda : an evaluation of World Bank support to primary education / H. Dean Nielsen