Vaishnavism -- Relations -- Islam. : Caitanya Vaiṣṇavism in Bengal : social impact and historical implications / Joseph T. O'Connell ; edited by Rembert Lutjeharms
Vaishnavism Sex Religious aspects : The place of the hidden moon : erotic mysticism in the Vaiṣṇava-sahajiyā cult of Bengal / Edward C. Dimock, Jr. ; with a new foreword by Wendy Doniger
Vaisseaux sanguins Hippocampe (Cerveau) : The human hippocampus : functional anatomy, vascularization, and serial sections with MRI / Henri M. Duvernoy ; in collaboration with F. Cattin [and others] ; drawings by J.L. Vannson
Vaisseaux sanguins Tumeurs : Tumor angiogenesis : basic mechanisms and cancer therapy / Dieter Marmé, Norbert Fusenig, (editors)
Vaisseaux spatiaux. : Abandoned in place : preserving America's space history / by Roland Miller ; foreword by Roger D. Launius ; prologue by Bob Thall ; introduction by Betsy Fahlman ; essays by Craig Covault, Pamela Melroy, and Beth Laura O'Leary
Vajiravudh, King of Siam, 1881-1925. : Chaiyo!, King Vajiravudh and the development of Thai nationalism / Walter F. Vella ; assisted by Dorothy B. Vella