Variation Arthropoda Research : Measuring arthropod biodiversity : a handbook of sampling methods / Jean Carlos Santos, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, editors
Variation Atlantic salmon : Genetic status of Atlantic salmon in Maine : interim report from the Committee on Atlantic Salmon in Maine / Committee on Atlantic Salmon in Maine, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
Variation (Biology) -- Mathematical models : Descriptive taxonomy : the foundation of biodiversity research / edited by Mark F. Watson (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh), Chris H.C. Lyal (Natural History Museum, London), Colin A. Pendry (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh)
Variation (Biology) -- Research : Genetic diversity : new research / Julian A. Cervantes Amaya and Miguel M. Franco Jimenez, editors
Variation Creole dialects : Creolization and pidginization in contexts of postcolonial diversity : language, culture, identity / edited by Jacqueline Knörr, Wilson Trajano Filho
Variation English language Alabama : Speaking of Alabama : the history, diversity, function, and change of language / edited by Thomas E. Nunnally ; foreword by Walt Wolfram ; afterword by Michael B. Montgomery