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Description Bentham Open publishes open journals in all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
Subject area Sciences
  Social Sciences
Other name Bentham Science Publishers OA


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Bentham Open Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH 24 Nov. 2009-
Bentham Open Current chemical genomics and translational medicine 25 Feb. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2019
Bentham Open The ergonomics open journal 01 Apr. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2018
Bentham Open Journal of epithelial biology & pharmacology 09 May 2008 - 31 Dec. 2013
Bentham Open Journal of lightning research 03 Apr. 2009 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open acoustics journal 29 Feb. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open addiction journal 21 May 2008 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open aerospace engineering journal 20 Feb. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open agriculture journal 21 Sept. 2007-
Bentham Open The open AIDS journal 27 Sept. 2007-
Bentham Open The open allergy journal 20 May 2008 - 31 Dec. 2018
Bentham Open The open antimicrobial agents journal 10 Feb. 2009 - 31 Dec. 2012
Bentham Open The open analytical chemistry journal 04 Sept. 2007 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open anthropology journal 17 Apr. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2013
Bentham Open The open andrology journal 23 Jan. 2009 - 31 Dec. 2013
Bentham Open The open anatomy journal 26 Mar. 2009 - 31 Dec. 2014
Bentham Open The open anesthesia journal 30 July 2007-
Bentham Open The open applied informatics journal 05 June 2007 - 31 Dec. 2012
Bentham Open The open applied linguistics journal 05 Mar. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2011
Bentham Open The open applied mathematics journal 21 June 2007 - 31 Dec. 2013