Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT (Germany) / : Geist, Recht und Geld : die VG WORT 1958-2008 / von Thomas Keiderling
Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz Germany : Gebietsübergreifende Vergabe von Online-Rechten an Musikwerken : Probleme einer effizienten Lizenzierungspraxis unter Geltung des VGG
Electromagnetic waves with frequencies between about 3 kilohertz (very low frequency - VLF) and 300,000 megahertz (extremely high frequency - EHF). They are used in television and radio broadcasting, land and satellite communications systems, radionavigation, radiolocation, and DIATHERMY. The highest frequency radio waves are MICROWAVES
Very large array telescopes -- Chile -- History : The ALMA telescope : the story of a science mega-project / Paul A. Vanden Bout, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Robert L. Dickman, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Adele L. Plunkett, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Very large array telescopes -- China : Research and application of cable-driven and rigid parallel robots : development of the 40-meter scale model of the FAST (China Sky Eye) feed support system / Xiaoqiang Tang, Zhufeng Shao, Rui Yao