Vision Disorders -- complications -- Case Reports : Seeing through new eyes : changing the lives of children with autism, Asperger syndrome and other developmental disabilities through vision therapy / Melvin Kaplan ; foreword by Stephen M. Edelson
Vision disorders -- Early works to 1800 : Two Hippocratic treatises on sight and on anatomy / edited and translated with introduction and commentary by Elizabeth M. Craik
Vision disorders -- Environmental aspects. : Environmental vision : interactions of the eye, vision, and the environment / [edited by] Donald G. Pitts, Robert N. Kleinstein
Vision disorders in children -- Diagnosis -- Congresses. : Detection and measurement of visual impairment in pre-verbal children : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Ophthalmology, London on April 1-3, 1985 / sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, as advised by the Committee on Medical Research ; edited by Barrie Jay
Vision disorders in old age -- Nursing : Nursing Assistant. Recognizing & Reporting Physical Changes in a Resident's Condition. Vision and Hearing / [produced by Medcom, Inc.]
Vision Disorders -- Problems and Exercises : Clinical optics primer for ophthalmic medical personnel : a guide to laws, formulae, calculations, and clinical applications / Aaron V. Shukla
Vision Disorders -- therapy -- Case Reports : Seeing through new eyes : changing the lives of children with autism, Asperger syndrome and other developmental disabilities through vision therapy / Melvin Kaplan ; foreword by Stephen M. Edelson
The difference between two images on the retina when looking at a visual stimulus. This occurs since the two retinas do not have the same view of the stimulus because of the location of our eyes. Thus the left eye does not get exactly the same view as the right eye