Voedingsmiddelenindustrie. : Food proteomics : technological advances, current applications and future perspectives / edited by Maria Lopez Pedrouso, Daniel Franco Ruiz, Jose M. Lorenzo
Voedingsmiddelentechnologie. : Food losses, sustainable postharvest and food technologies / edited by Charis M. Galanakis
Voedsel -- Mikrobiologie : Factors affecting life and death of microorganisms / by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods
Voedsel -- Preservering : Factors affecting life and death of microorganisms / by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods
Voegelin, Eric, 1901-1985. New science of politics : A new science of politics : Hans Kelsen's reply to Eric Voegelin's "New science of politics" : a contribution to the critique of ideology / Hans Kelsen ; edited by Eckhart Arnold
Voet, Gijsbert, 1589-1676. : Reformed orthodoxy and philosophy, 1625-1750 : Gisbertus Voetius, Petrus van Mastricht, and Anthonius Driessen / by Aza Goudriaan
Voeux du héron. : A Middle French Vowing Poem : a Middle French Vowing Poem
Voeux du paon Jacques, de Longuyon, active 1290-1312 : Images, texts, and marginalia in a "Vows of the peacock" manuscript (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS G24) : with a complete concordance and catalogue of peacock manuscripts / by Domenic Leo