1 Introduction: Tradition and Modernity in German Thought and Society; 2 The Great War Experience and Memory; 3 Heroic and Not-so-Heroic Pessimism: Max Weber and Oswald Spengler; 4 The Adventurer Ernst Ju nger Reconsidered; 5 The Call for Allegiance Hugo von Hofmannsthal; 6 The Lure and Limits of Gemeinschaft; 7 Fragments, Abstraction and a Vision: The German Expressionists; 8 Authenticity: Martin Heidegger and the Temptation of National Socialism; 9 Maturity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Faith and the "World Come of Age
This text provides insights into German thought and society in the context of the challenges of modernity in the first half of the 20th century. The author looks at the tensions between a realistic acceptance of disenchantment with the modern world, and an insistence upon re-enchantment