Here are entered works on travel as a theme in literature. Works on travel to places related to authors' lives or to the settings of their works are entered under Literary journeys
Voyages and travels -- Indian Ocean. : Rough notes of a trip to Reunion, the Mauritius and Ceylon; with remarks on their eligibility as sanitaria for Indian invalids / By Frederic J. Mouat
Voyages and travels -- Juvenile : Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo selected and edited with a biographical introduction by Professor H.G. Rawlinson ..
Voyages and travels -- Maps : Early Voyages of Exploration, 1000-1609 CE -- North America, United States, Central America, South America, Africa, Europe Map /
Voyages and travels Mediterranean Sea : Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D. 1628 / edited, from the original autograph manuscript in the possession of William Watkin E. Wynne Esq., by John Bruce Esq
Voyages and travels -- Mexico. : Incidents of travel in central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan / By the late John Lloyd Stephens. With numerous engravings. Revised from the latest American edition, with additions, by Frederick Catherwood
Voyages and travels -- Mythology. : Mythical journeys, legendary quests : the spiritual search : traditional stories from world mythology / Moyra Caldecott ; colour plates by Cheryl Yambrach Rose ; text illustrations by Rachel Caldecott-Thornton