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Book Cover
Streaming video

Title Kinja Iakaha : A Day in the Village / by Araduwã Waimiri, Iawusu Waimiri, Kabaha Waimiri, Sanapyty Atroari, Sawã Waimiri and Wamé Atroari
Published [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2014


Description 1 online resource (1 video file, approximately 40 min.)
Series Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1
Video in the Villages
Summary In A Day in the Village, Waimiri and Atroari filmmakers document the day-to-day life of their relatives in the Cacau village, located in the Amazon region. We watch as women prepare the midday meal and do laundry in the river. Men hunt for alligators, paca and tapir in the forest as well as making handcrafts during a rainstorm
Notes Title from title frames
Event Originally produced by Documentary Educational Resources in 2003
Notes In Waimiri and Atroari with English subtitles
In Watertown, MA : Documentary Educational Resources (DER), 2003
Subject Waimiri-Atroarí Indians -- Social life and customs
Indians of South America -- Brazil -- Social life and customs
Indians of South America -- Social life and customs.
Form Streaming video
Author Atoari, Sanapyty, author, film director
Atroari, Wame, author, film director
Waimiri, Araduwa, author, film director
Waimiri, Iawusu, author, film director
Waimiri, Kabaha, author, film director
Waimiri, Sawa, author, film director
Antenor, contributor