Walter, Charles. : Curdie's Inlet, west coast of Victoria : stereoscope view of ships / Charles Walter
Walter de Gruyter & Co. -- History : Walter de Gruyter Publishers, 1749-1999 / Anne-Katrin Ziesak ; with contributions by Hans-Robert Cram, Kurt-Georg Cram, and Andreas Terwey ; translated by Rhodes Barrett
Walter, Eugene, 1921-1998. : The happy table of Eugene Walter : Southern spirits in food and drink : an ardent survey of Southern beverages and a grand selection of Southern dishes employing spiritous flavorings / edited by Donald Goodman and Thomas Head
Walter, Francis X., Rev. : From preaching to meddling : a white minister in the civil rights movement / Francis X. Walter ; foreword by Steve Suitts
Walter Hood (Ship) / : Fast company : the lively times and untimely end of the clipper ship Walter Hood 1852-1870 / G.A. Mawer
Walter, Joseph, 1783-1856. : Marine artists of Bristol : Nicholas Pocock 1740-1821, Joseph Walter 1783-1856 / Francis Greenacre
Walter, Lucy, 1630?-1658. : Memoirs of the court of England in 1675 / by Marie Catherine Baronne d'Aulnoy ; translated from the French by Mrs. William Henry Arthur ; edited and revised with notes by George David Gilbert ; with 16 plates
Walter, Wolfgang, 1927-2010 -- Congresses : Inequalities and applications 2010 : dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Walter / edited by Catherine Bandle [and others]
Walterdale Theatre (Edmonton, Alta.) / : Hot thespian action! : ten premiere plays from Walterdale Playhouse / edited with a critical introduction by Robin C. Whittaker
Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) / : Henry Walters and Bernard Berenson : collector and connoisseur / Stanley Mazaroff ; foreword by William R. Johnston