Water birds -- Macquarie Island : The Abundance of Royal Penguins (Eudyptes Schlegeli, Finsch) breeding at Macquarie Island / G.R. Copson and D.E. Rounsevell
Water birds -- Monitoring -- Bulgaria -- Burgas Region : Waterbirds of Bourgas wetlands : results and evaluation of the monthly waterbird monitoring, 1996-2002 / Milko Dimitrov [and others] ; drawings, Assen Ignatov ; cover design, Ivan Yanchev ; editor of English translation, Vladimir Pomakov
Water birds -- North America. : Audubon water bird guide : water, game and large land birds, eastern and central North America, from southern Texas to central Greenland. / Color illus. by Don Eckelberry, line drawings by Earl L. Poole
Water birds -- Spain. : Bird life in the Spanish marismas / described and photographed by R. B. Lodge
Water birds -- Wintering. : Coastal waders and wildfowl in winter / edited by P.R. Evans, J.D. Goss-Custard, W.G. Hale
Water birds -- Yellow Sea. : Invisible connections : why migrating shorebirds need the Yellow Sea / [photographs by] Jan van de Kam with Phill Battley ... [and others]
Acute INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans; caused by HEPATITIS E VIRUS, a non-enveloped single-stranded RNA virus. Similar to HEPATITIS A, its incubation period is 15-60 days and is enterically transmitted, usually by fecal-oral transmission
Acute INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans; caused by HEPATITIS E VIRUS, a non-enveloped single-stranded RNA virus. Similar to HEPATITIS A, its incubation period is 15-60 days and is enterically transmitted, usually by fecal-oral transmission
Here are entered works on bodies of water that demarcate inland boundaries. Works on boundaries that determine jurisdiction over ocean areas are entered under Maritime boundaries
Water boundaries -- Ontario : Lines drawn upon the water : First Nations and the Great Lakes borders and borderlands / Karl S. Hele, editor