Electronic implements worn on the body as an implant or as an accessory. Examples include wearable diagnostic devices, wearable ACTIVITY TRACKERS, wearable INFUSION PUMPS, wearable computing devices, SENSORY AIDS, and electronic pest repellents
Electronic implements worn on the body as an implant or as an accessory. Examples include wearable diagnostic devices, wearable ACTIVITY TRACKERS, wearable INFUSION PUMPS, wearable computing devices, SENSORY AIDS, and electronic pest repellents
Electronic implements worn on the body as an implant or as an accessory. Examples include wearable diagnostic devices, wearable ACTIVITY TRACKERS, wearable INFUSION PUMPS, wearable computing devices, SENSORY AIDS, and electronic pest repellents
Wearable technology -- Atlases : An atlas for large-area electronic skins : from materials to systems design / Weidong Yang, National University of Singapore, Matthew Hon, National University of Singapore, Haicheng Yao, National University of Singapore, Benjamin C. K. Tee, National University of Singapore
Wearable video devices in police work -- Maryland -- Baltimore : All light, everywhere / Super LTD presents, in association with Sandbox Films, a Memory production ; producers, Reil Roch-Decter, Sebastian Pardo, Jonna McKone ; writer, director and editor, Theo Anthony
Wearable video devices -- United States : Cops, cameras, and crisis : the potential and the perils of police body-worn cameras / Michael D. White and Aili Malm