A loose confederation of computer communication networks around the world. The networks that make up the Internet are connected through several backbone networks. The Internet grew out of the US Government ARPAnet project and was designed to facilitate information exchange
Webarbeit : Bauhaus weaving theory : from feminine craft to mode of design / T'ai Smith
Webasto (Firm) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nb2013004082 : Webasto : co-creating innovation with lead users / Henry Chesbrough, Alexander Stern
Webb, Archibald, 1887-1944 -- Exhibitions. : A. B. Webb, Edith Trethowan and Beatrice Darbyshire : Western Australian printmakers of the 1920s and 1930s / organised through The Art Gallery of Western Australia and presented by the Australian Gallery Directors Council with assistance from the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council
Webb Brothers (Rock group) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2001061642 : Contemporary musicians. Volume 57 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor