Welfare recipients -- Research. : Intergenerational reliance on income support : psychosocial factors and their measurement / Helen Berry ... [and others]
Welfare recipients -- Services for -- California : Evaluation of the SB 1041 reforms to California's CalWORKs Program : background and study design / RAND authors: Lynn A. Karoly, Robert Bozick, Lois M. Davis ; AIR authors: Sami Kitmitto, Lori Turk-Bicakci, Johannes M. Bos, Aleksandra Holod, Charles Blankenship
Welfare recipients -- U.S. states : Reemployment bonuses in the unemployment insurance system : evidence from three field experiments / Philip K. Robins and Robert G. Spiegelman, editors
Here are entered works on tax-supported welfare activities. Works on privately supported welfare activities are entered under Charities. Works on the methods employed in social work, public or private, are entered under Social service. Works that discuss collectively the various policies, programs, services, and facilities to meet basic human needs relating to the quality of life, such as education, health, welfare, etc. are entered under Human services --subdivision Public welfare under ethnic groups and subdivision Civilian relief under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Civilian relief
Welfare rights movement -- Australia. : Inside the welfare lobby : a history of the Australian Council of Social Service : the role of interest groups in Australian social policy / Philip Mendes
Organized institutions which provide services to ameliorate conditions of need or social pathology in the community
Welfare standards. : Warfare and welfare : military conflict and welfare state development in western countries / edited by Herbert Obinger, Klaus Petersen, and Peter Starke
Welfare state -- Australia -- Congresses. : The Welfare state, foundations and alternatives : the proceedings of CIS conferences held in Wellington and Sydney, November, 1987 / edited by Michael James
Welfare state -- Australia -- History : Violence in France and Australia disorder in the postcolonial welfare state / edited by Craig Browne and Justine McGill
Welfare state -- Belgium : Newcomers navigating the welfare state : experiences of immigrants and street-level bureaucrats with Belgium's social assistance system / edited by Hanne Vandermeerschen, Elsa Mescoli, Jean-Michel Lafleur, and Peter de Cuyper
Welfare state -- Belgium -- Case studies : Euro-austerity and welfare states : comparative political economy of reform during the Maastricht decade / H. Tolga Bolukbasi