Here are entered works on the inland part of Asia, extending from the Caspian Sea in the west to, and including, northwestern China and Mongolia in the east, and from southern Siberia in the north to, and including, northern Iran and Afghanistan in the south, as well as works limited to the republics of former Soviet Central Asia treated collectively
West (US) Acculturation History : Immigrants in the far West : historical identities and experiences / edited by Jessie L. Embry and Brian Q. Cannon
West (US) Actions and defenses : Code pleading, practice and remedies in courts of record in civil cases in the western states, with forms : Ten-year supplement to Bancroft's Code pleading and Bancroft's Code practice and remedies, 1926-1936
West (US) African American cowboys Biography : Life and Adventures of Nat Love, Better Known in the Cattle Country As Deadwood Dick, by Himself : a True History of Slavery Days, Life on the Great Cattle Ranges and on the Plains of the Wild and Woolly West, Based on Facts, and Personal Experiences of the Author / by Nat Love
West (US) Agriculture and state : Water and agriculture in the western U.S. : conservation, reallocation, and markets / edited by Gary D. Weatherford in association with Lee Brown, Helen Ingram, and Dean Mann
West (US) Agriculture, Prehistoric : Late Holocene Research on Foragers and Farmers in the Desert West / edited by Barbara J. Roth and Maxine E. McBrinn
West (US) American fiction : The stolen steers : a tale of the Big Thicket / by Bill Brett ; with drawings by Michael Frary ; foreword by William A. Owens