West Indies, British Vendors and purchasers : The duties of solicitors in sales by auction, or private contract, or under extents, or decrees of courts of equity : also in mortgages of real property in England, Ireland, and the British West Indies, including the practice of fines and recoveries, and the corresponding colonial proceedings / by John Henry Howard
West Indies -- Commerce -- United States : Review of the late negociation and arrangement with the British government, respecting the West India trade : being the letters which appeared in the United States gazette, signed X.Y. in the summer of 1831, now first collected, with an appendix
West Indies Constitutional law : View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies, 1783 / by Anthony Stokes
West Indies COVID-19 (Disease) : COVID in the islands : a comparative perspective on the Caribbean and the Pacific / Yonique Campbell, John Connell, editors
West Indies Cricket Social aspects : Fire in Babylon / E&G Productions ; in association with Hargitay & Hargitay Pictures in motion present ; a Cowboy Films/Passion Pictures production ; a film by Stevan Riley ; co-producers, George Chignell, Jessica Ludgrove
West Indies Dance : Katherine Dunham, her dancers, singers, musicians. / Illus. by Roger Wood and other photographers
West Indies -- Description and travel -- 18th-19th century : The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies : Containing an entire translation of the Spanish work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Captain of the Royal Spanish Guards, and member of The Royal Academy of History: with large additions and compilations from modern voyages and travels, and from original and authentic information. By G.A. Thompson, Esq. In five volumes
West Indies -- Discovery and exploration -- British -- Early works to 1800. : A relation of the rare occurrences in a third voyage made by Sir Francis Drake into the West Indies in the years 72 and 73 : when Nombre de Dios was by him and 52 others only in his company surprised / faithfully taken out of ye reports of Mr. Christopher Ceelie, Ellis Hixon and others ... by Phillip Nicholls, preacher ; reviewed also by ye same Sir Francis Drake