Wrede, William, 1859-1906. : Der Kreuzigungsbericht des Markusevangeliums Mk 15,20b-41 : eine traditionsgeschichtliche und methodenkritische Untersuchung nach William Wrede (1859-1906) / Johannes Schreiber
Wreedheid. : Unmasking administrative evil / Guy B. Adams, Danny L. Balfour
Wren, Percival Christopher, 1885-1941. : Teaching English as a foreign language, 1912-1936 : pioneers of ELT / selection and new introductions by Richard C. Smith
Wrenfordsley, Henry : Sir Henry Wrenfordsley : second Chief Justice of Western Australia 1880-1883 / J.M. Bennett ; foreword Professor Roy M. Mersky
Wrenfordsley, Henry, Sir, 1826 -1908 : Sir Henry Wrenfordsley : second Chief Justice of Western Australia 1880-1883 / J.M. Bennett ; foreword Professor Roy M. Mersky
Wrenfordsley, Henry Thomas, Sir, -1908 : Sir Henry Wrenfordsley : second Chief Justice of Western Australia 1880-1883 / J.M. Bennett ; foreword Professor Roy M. Mersky
Wrentham Massachusetts : From one century to the next : a history of Wrentham State School and the institutional model in Massachusetts / Ingrid Grenon
Wrentham State School -- History : From one century to the next : a history of Wrentham State School and the institutional model in Massachusetts / Ingrid Grenon