Youth -- Social aspects -- New Zealand. : Supporting the wellbeing of young people in relation to gambling in New Zealand : final report and recommendations / produced by Problem Gambling Foundation of NZ
Youth -- Social conditions -- Case studies : Education and youth agency : qualitative case studies in global contexts / Joan G. DeJaeghere, Jasmina Josić, Kate S. McCleary, editors
Here are entered works that discuss collectively the activities of the various youth scouting organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Girl Guides, Cub Scouts, Brownie Girl Scouts, etc
Youth -- Societies and clubs -- Research : Kinder in Jugendverbänden : Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zu Strukturen, Konzepten und Motiven Im Kontext der Gesellschaftlichen Debatten Um Inklusion
Youth -- Societies, etc : Jugendwerke in internationalen Versöhnungsprozessen : der Modellcharakter des Deutsch-Französischen und des Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerks / Adrian Gmelch
Youth -- South Africa -- Worcester : War in Worcester : youth and the apartheid state / Pamela Reynolds ; in collaboration with Nana Charity Khohlokoane [and others]
Youth -- South Asia. : Population, politics, and the future of southern Asia / edited by W. Howard Wriggins and James F. Guyot
Youth -- South Asia -- Congresses. : Population, politics, and the future of southern Asia / edited by W. Howard Wriggins and James F. Guyot
Youth -- South Australia -- Mental health : Murraylands youth and mental health : youth voices shaping mental health promotion : known locally as CHAMPS, Community Health Adolescent Murraylands Peer Support : final evaluation report / Kathleen Stacey, Cindy Turner
Youth -- South Sudan : Dowry and division : youth and state building in South Sudan / Marc Sommers and Stephanie Schwartz