Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska : Spirit of the land. Alaska : the Yup'ik Eskimos / co-producers, Gail K. Evenari & Lawrence M. Lansburgh ; director, Lawrence M. Lansburgh
Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska -- Gambell : Faith, food, and family in a Yupik whaling community / Carol Zane Jolles ; with the assistance of Elinor Mikaghaq Oozeva
Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska -- Nelson Island -- History : Qaluyaarmiuni nunamtenek qanemciput : = our Nelson Island stories : meanings of place on the Bering Sea coast / translated by Alice Rearden ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska -- Nelson Island -- Interviews : Qaluyaarmiuni nunamtenek qanemciput : = our Nelson Island stories : meanings of place on the Bering Sea coast / translated by Alice Rearden ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska, Southwest -- Folklore : Qanemcit amllertut = many stories to tell : tales of humans and animals in southwest Alaska / transcribed and translated by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik Eskimos -- Alaska, Southwest -- Interviews : Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / transcriptions and translations by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade and [7 others] ; edited with an introduction by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik Eskimos -- Clothing -- Alaska : Tengautuli atkuk = The flying parka : the meaning and making of parkas in southwest Alaska / Ann Fienup-Riordan, Alice Rearden, Marie Meade
Yupik Eskimos -- Education : A Yupiaq worldview : a pathway to ecology and spirit / Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley
Yupik Eskimos -- Ethnobotany : Yungcautnguuq Nunam Qainga Tamarmi/the Entire Surface of the Land Is Medicine : Edible and Medicinal Plants of Southwest Alaska
Yupik Eskimos -- History : Ciulirnerunak yuuyaqunak = Do not live without an elder : the subsistence way of life in southwest Alaska / edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan ; translated by Alice Aluskak Rearden
Yupik Eskimos -- Missions : Mission of change in southwest Alaska : conversations with Father René Astruc and Paul Dixon on their work with Yup'ik people, 1950-1988 / Ann Fienup-Riordan [editor]
Yupik Eskimos -- Quotations : Wise words of the Yup'ik people : we talk to you because we love you / edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan ; translations from the Yup'ik by Alice Rearden
Yupik Eskimos -- Rites and ceremonies : Agayuliyararput : kegginaqut, kangiit-llu = Our way of making prayer : Yup'ik masks and the stories they tell / transcribed and translated by Marie Meade ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik Eskimos -- Warfare -- Alaska, Southwest -- History : Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / transcriptions and translations by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade and [7 others] ; edited with an introduction by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik languages -- Alaska, Southwest -- Texts : Qanemcit amllertut = many stories to tell : tales of humans and animals in southwest Alaska / transcribed and translated by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik languages -- Texts : Ciulirnerunak yuuyaqunak = Do not live without an elder : the subsistence way of life in southwest Alaska / edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan ; translated by Alice Aluskak Rearden
Yupik masks. : Agayuliyararput : kegginaqut, kangiit-llu = Our way of making prayer : Yup'ik masks and the stories they tell / transcribed and translated by Marie Meade ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Yupik-Sprache : A grammar of Central Alaskan Yupik (CAY) / by Osahito Miyaoka