Zôdio -- Case studies : Co-creating value with customers in the retailing industry : the case of Zôdio / Salma Alguezaui, Raffaele Filieri
Zoé Indians. : Meeting ancestors / by Vincent Carelli and Dominique Gallois
Zoega, Georg, 1755-1809. : The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studies / edited by Karen Ascani, Paola Buzi and Daniela Picchi
Zoega, Georg, 1755-1809 -- Archives : The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studies / edited by Karen Ascani, Paola Buzi and Daniela Picchi
Zoekmachines. : The Art of SEO : Mastering Search Engine Optimization / Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, and Jessie C. Stricchiola
Zoelly, Pierre, 1923-2003. : Pierre Zoelly : Elemente einer Architektursprache = elements of an architect's language = eléments d'un language architectural
Zofrea, Salvatore, 1946- -- Catalogs. : Salvatore Zofrea : fifty portraits / with introduction by Andrew Sayers, interviews by Stephanie Claire, photography by Shawn Connell
Zohorsky, Janet R. : Something about the author. Volume 148 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Lisa Kumar, project editor