Zoque language -- Grammar, Historical : In Search of Universal Grammar : From Old Norse to Zoque / edited by Terje Lohndal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Zoroastrianism Good and evil Religious aspects : Witches, whores, and sorcerers : the concept of evil in early Iran / by S.K. Mendoza Forrest ; foreword and other contributions by Prods Oktor Skjærvø
Zoroastrianism -- Great Britain : Zoroastrians in Britain : the Ratanbai Katrak lectures, University of Oxford 1985 / John R. Hinnells
Zoroastrianism -- Hymns : The First Three Hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāā : The Avestan Text of Yasna 28-30 and Its Tradition
Zoroastrianism -- India : Living Zoroastrianism : urban Parsis speak about their religion / Philip G. Kreyenbroek ; in collaboration with Shehnaz Neville Munshi
Zoroastrianism Purity, Ritual : Laws of ritual purity : Zand ī Fragard ī Jud-Dēw-Dād : a commentary on the chapters of the Widēwdād / by Mahnaz Moazami
Zoroastrianism -- Rituals -- India -- Gujarat : The Gujarati ritual directions of the Paragnā, Yasna and Visperad ceremonies : transcription, translation and glossary of Anklesaria 1888 / by Céline Redard, Kerman Dadi Daruwalla