Capacity and disability -- See Also the narrower term Insanity (Law)
Here are entered works on the legal standard whereby persons with severe mental disorders are prevented from having legal capacity and are excused from criminal or civil responsibility
Capacity and disability -- Asia -- Congresses : Politik und Recht für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Europa und Asien : unter den Bedingungen des demographischen Wandels-kulturelle Voraussetzungen und Erklärungshypothesen / Bernd von Maydell [and others], Hrsg
Capacity and disability -- Europe. : Too sick to work? : social security reforms in Europe for persons with reduced earnings capacity / edited by Stamatia Devetzi, Sara Stendahl
Capacity and disability -- Europe -- Congresses : Politik und Recht für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Europa und Asien : unter den Bedingungen des demographischen Wandels-kulturelle Voraussetzungen und Erklärungshypothesen / Bernd von Maydell [and others], Hrsg
Capacity and disability -- Germany (West) : Rechtsfähigkeit und Verbandsverfassung : Überlegungen zur Problematik der als nichtrechtsfähige Vereine organisierten Gewerkschaften / Friedrich Kübler
Assessment of physiological capacities in relation to job requirements. It is usually done by measuring certain physiological (e.g., circulatory and respiratory) variables during a gradually increasing workload until specific limitations occur with respect to those variables
Assessment of physiological capacities in relation to job requirements. It is usually done by measuring certain physiological (e.g., circulatory and respiratory) variables during a gradually increasing workload until specific limitations occur with respect to those variables