catastrophe naturelle. : Cities in a globalizing world : global report on human settlements 2001 / United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
Catastrophes ecologiques. : Fierce climate, sacred ground : an ethnography of climate change in Shishmaref, Alaska / Elizabeth Marino
Catastrophes -- Enseignement biblique. : Childbirth as a metaphor for crisis : evidence from the ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI, 1-18 / Claudia D. Bergmann
Catastrophes -- Évaluation du risque. : First responder's guide to abnormal psychology : applications for police, firefighters, and rescue personnel / William I. Dorfman and Lenore E.A. Walker
Sudden onset water phenomena with different speed of occurrence. These include flash floods, seasonal river floods, and coastal floods, associated with CYCLONIC STORMS; TIDALWAVES; and storm surges
Sudden onset water phenomena with different speed of occurrence. These include flash floods, seasonal river floods, and coastal floods, associated with CYCLONIC STORMS; TIDALWAVES; and storm surges
Catastrophic illness -- Economic aspects -- United States -- Congresses : Financing and payment strategies to support high-quality care for people with serious illness : proceedings of a workshop / Laurene Graig, Elaine Soohoo, and Joe Alper, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Health Care Services, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Catastrophic Illness -- economics : Effects of the Affordable Care Act on consumer health care spending and risk of catastrophic health costs / Sarah A. Nowak, Christine Eibner, David M. Adamson, Evan Saltzman ; sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund
Catastrophic illness -- Patients -- Care. : Rapid physical assessment of the critically ill patient / [produced by] American Journal of Nursing Company ; directed and edited by Doug Hyland ; written and demonstrated by Mike Criswell, Jody Mathew
Catastrophic illness -- Patients -- Care -- United States -- Congresses : Building the workforce we need to care for people with serious illness : proceedings of a workshop / Kaitlyn Friedman, Joe Alper, and Laurene Graig, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness, Board on Health Care Services, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Catastrophic Illness -- therapy : Improving access to and equity of care for people with serious illness : proceedings of a workshop / Laurene Graig, Sylara Marie Cruz, and Joe Alper, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness, Board on Health Care Services, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
An acute or prolonged illness usually considered to be life-threatening or with the threat of serious residual disability. Treatment may be radical and is frequently costly