Documentation Aboriginal Australians Victoria : Through their eyes : an historical record of Aboriginal people of Victoria as documented by the officials of the Port Phillip Protectorate, 1839-1841 / compiled and edited by Mira Lakic and Rosemary Wrench
Documentation -- Australia. : Organising knowledge in Australia : principles and practice in libraries and information centres / Ross Harvey
Documentation -- Australia -- Congresses. : Towards Federation 2001 : linking Australians and their heritage : a national conference on access to Australia's recorded documentary heritage, March 1992 : background papers
Documentation Bibliothèques scolaires Bibliographie : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Documentation Citizenship Kenya Kibera : Legal identity in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : lessons from Kibera, Kenya / Ben Oppenheim and Brenna Marea Powell, Open Society Justice Initiative
Documentation -- Congresses : International Documents for The 80's : Their Role and Use. Proceedings of the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation Brussels - 1980
Documentation Dance : Inheriting dance : an invitation from Pina / edited by Marc Wagenbach and the Pina Bausch Foundation ; [translations Monica Gonzalez-Marquez ...]
Documentation de bibliothèque -- Conservation et restauration -- Congrès. : Library preservation and conservation in the '90s : proceedings of the Satellite Meeting of the IFLA Section on Preservation and Conservation, Budapest, August 15-17, 1995 / edited by Jean I. Whiffin and John Havermans
Documentation Environmental policy : Environmental management : life cycle assessment ; data documentation format = Management environnemental - analyse du cycle de vie - format de documentation de données
Documentation Environmental protection : Environmental management : life cycle assessment ; data documentation format = Management environnemental - analyse du cycle de vie - format de documentation de données
Documentation -- Europe -- History : European modernism and the information society : informing the present, understanding the past / edited by W. Boyd Rayward