Drama Literature and mental illness : Touched with fire / a Moonstruck production ; in association with 40 Acres and a Mule ; a film by Paul Dalio ; co-producers, Avy Kaufman, Katie Holmes ; produced by Jeremy Alter, Kristina Nikolova, Jason Sokoloff ; written and directed by Paul Dalio
Drama Little Red Riding Hood (Fictitious character) : Little Red Riding Hood / directed by Donald Sturrock ; performed by Sir Ian Holm, Julie Walters, Peter Elliott, Scott Ambler, Etta Murfitt ; produced by Robert Warr, PMI Production
Here are entered works about liturgical drama. Musical compositions and/or collections of texts of liturgical dramas are entered under Liturgical dramas
Drama Loans : Live from Stratford-upon-Avon. The merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare ; directed by Polly Findlay ; producer, Zoe Donegan ; screen director, Robin Lough ; producer, John Wyver ; Picture House Entertainment ; a Royal Shakespeare Company presentation
Drama Log cabins New York (State) : This teacher / Right on Red Films presents ; directed by Mark Jackson ; written by Mark Jackson, Dana Thompson ; produced by Mark Jackson, Dana Thompson, Gigi Graff, Josh Mandel, Javier Gonzalez
Drama Loman, Willy (Fictitious character) : Death of a salesman / by Arthur Miller ; produced by David Susskind and Daniel Melnick ; directed by Alex Segal ; a CBS Television Network production