Information systems, usually computer-assisted, designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve information for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling administrative activities associated with the provision and utilization of radiology services and facilities
Information systems, usually computer-assisted, designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve information for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling administrative activities associated with the provision and utilization of radiology services and facilities
Interconnected system that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, movement, control, display, interchange, transmission, routing or reception of data or information, including computers, ancillary equipment, system software, support services, and related resources. (NAL Agricultural Thesaurus)
Information technology Academic writing : Evolving as a digital scholar : teaching and researching in a digital world / Wim Van Petegem, J. P. Bosman, Miné De Klerk, and Sonja Strydom
Information Technology Act, 2000 India : Cyber laws : a guide to cyber laws, information technology, computer software, intellectual property rights, e-commerce, taxation, privacy, etc. along with policies, guidelines and agreements / Yatindra Singh
Information technology Administrative agencies Security measures United States : IT supply chain security : review of government and industry efforts : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, March 27, 2012
Information technology Aeronautics : Computational models, software engineering, and advanced technologies in air transportation : next generation applications / [edited by] Li Weigang, Alexandre de Barros, Ítalo Romani de Oliveira
Information technology Aerospace engineering : Information technologies in the design of aerospace engineering / Mykola Nechyporuk, Volodymyr Pavlikov, Dmytro Krytskyi, editors
Information technology Air forces Research United States : Basic research in information science and technology for air force needs / Committee on Directions for the AFOSR Mathematics and Space Sciences Directorate Related to Information Science and Technology, Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, National Research Council of the National Academies