Lofting, Hugh, 1886-1947. Doctor Doolittle : Children's literature review. Volume 143 : excerpts from reviews, criticism, and commentary on books for children and young people / Tom Burns, project editor
Loftuitingen. : A symposion of praise : Horace returns to lyric in Odes IV / Timothy S. Johnson
Loftus, Elizabeth F., 1944- : Do justice and let the sky fall : Elizabeth F. Loftus and her contributions to science, law, and academic freedom / edited by Maryanne Garry & Harlene Hayne
Loftus, William Kennett. : Travels and researches in Chaldaeea and Susiana : with an account of excavations at Warka, the 'Erech' of Nimrod, and Shush, 'Shushan the palace' of Esther, in 1849-52 ... / by William Kennett Loftus
Lofty, Mount, Ranges Botany Australia South Australia : The native vegetation of the north-central Mount Lofty Ranges : a survey with recommendations for policy / prepared by G.A. Wells for the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia
Lofty, Mount, Ranges Endemic plants Australia South Australia : The native vegetation of the north-central Mount Lofty Ranges : a survey with recommendations for policy / prepared by G.A. Wells for the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia