peacebuilding -- Guatemala -- Bosnia and Herzegovina. : Dealing with the past in post-conflict societies ten years after the peace accords in Guatemala and Bosnia-Herzegovina : swisspeace Annual Conference 2006 / Jonathan Sisson, editor ; Contributors: Bernardo Arévalo de León ..
peacebuilding -- USA. : Some of the best weapons for counterinsurgents do not shoot / Eric T. Olson
peacebuilding USA conflict resolution : Conflict management and peacebuilding : pillars of a new American grand strategy / Volker C. Franke, Robert H. Dorff, editors
peacebuilding USA History : After the war : nation-building from FDR to George W. Bush / James Dobbins [and others]
peacebuilding USA Iraq : Occupying Iraq : a history of the Coalition Provisional Authority / James Dobbins [and others]
Peaceful change (International relations) -- Cross-cultural studies : The unintended consequences of peace : peaceful borders and illicit transnational flows / Arie Marcelo Kacowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Exequiel Lacovsky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Keren Sasson, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Daniel F. Wajner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Peaceful societies -- Colombia -- San José de Apartadó : Chocolate of peace : cacao defying violence / a documentary by Gwen Burnyeat and Pablo Mejía Trujillo ; direction, Gwen Burnyeat & Pablo Mejía Trujillo ; executive and field producer, Gwen Burnyeat
Peacekeeping forces, African -- Congresses : The African military in the 21st century : report of the 2007 Tswalu dialogue, 3-6 May / hosted by Jonathan and Jennifer Oppenheimer & organized by the Brenthurst Foundation in conjunction with the African Union (AU) [and others]