Radio -- Monitoring receivers. : Radio monitoring : automated systems and their components / Anatoly M. Rembovsky, Alexander V. Ashikhmin, Vladimir A. Kozmin, Sergey M. Smolskiy
Radio movel. : Mobile communications engineering : theory and applications / William C.Y. Lee
radio networks. : Intelligent wireless communications / edited by George Mastorakis, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Jordi Mongay Batalla and Evangelos Pallis
Radio on boats -- Terminology : Standardized vocabulary for radio-connections in inland navigation = Vocabulaire normalisé des liaisons radio en navigation intérieure = Standartnyĭ slovarʹ-razgovornik dli︠a︡ radiosvi︠a︡zi vo vnutrennem sudokhodstve = Einheitliche Redewendungen für den Funkverkehr in der Binnenschiffahrt = Uniforme woordenlijst voor het radioverkeer in de binnenscheepvaart
Radio One (Firm) : An entreprenuer's guide on launching and growing a business series. 3, Entrepreneur's guide case studies
Radio One, Inc : Business out of the ashes. Radio One / [produced by TeleTime Video]