Musical works and exercises designed for practice with the aim of perfecting a facet of performing technique. For instrumental pieces designed for performance in order to exploit a facet of performing technique see Concert etudes
Eulogies United States 19th Century : The promises of the Declaration of Independence : eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, June 1, 1865 / by Charles Sumner
Evidence-Based Medicine MEDICAL : Managing pain in children : a clinical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals / edited by Alison Twycross, Head of Department, Children's Nursing, Reader, Children's Pain Management, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, Stephanie Dowden, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Paediatric Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia and Jennifer Stinson, Nurse Clinician Scientist and Nurse Practitioner, Chronic Pain Programme, the Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Professor of Nursing, Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Evideos Www : My Healing Journey : seven years with cancer / director/commentary/editing/narrator, Joseph Viszmeg ; producer, Jerry Krepakevich ; National Film Board of Canada
Works designed to help prepare for examinations or courses of study. For practice problems and exercises designed to develop and improve skills in an area of study, see Problems and exercises
Examinationa Questions : Study guide for the practice of nursing research : conduct, critique, and utilization, fifth edition / Nancy Burns, Susan K. Grove