Adaptations En Bandes Dessinees : Jim Henson's The power of the dark crystal. #9 of 12 / written by Simon Spurrier and Phillip Kennedy Johnson ; illustrated by Kelly and Nichole Matthews ; lettered by Jim Campbell ; based on the screenplays by Craig Pierce and Annette Duffy and David Odell
Addresses 1865 : The national security and the national faith : guaranties for the national freedman and the national creditor ; speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, at the Republican state convention, in Worcester ; September 14, 1865
Addresses 19th Century : The dogmas of the constitution : four lectures, being the first, tenth, eleventh, & thirteenth, of a course on the theory & practice of the constitution, delivered at King's College, London, in the commencement term of that institution / by J.J. Park
Addresses United States 19th Century : The Republican Party : its origin, necessity and permanence : speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, before the Young Men's Republican Union of New-York, July 11th, 1860
Adelaide 1993 : Clays, controlling the environment : proceedings of the 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, Australia, July 18 to 23, 1993 / organised by the Australian Clay Mineral Society Inc. under the auspices of the Association internationale pour l'étude des argiles (AIPEA) with participation of the International Society of Soil Science (Commission VII) ; editors, G.J. Churchman, R.W. Fitzpatrick, and R.A. Eggleton
Adelaide 2005 : Water and agriculture : sustainability, markets and policies
Reported and unreported court decisions, opinions, judgments, etc. For decisions of administrative courts see Administrative decisions
Administrative Decisions : Decisions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior : under the United States mining statutes of July 26, 1866, July 9, 1870, and May 10, 1872 : with appendix of circulars and forms / by Henry N. Copp, General Land Office, Washington, D.C
Adresboeken Vorm : Natural language processing : IJCNLP 2004 : first international joint conference, Hainan Island, China, March 22-24, 2004 : revised selected papers / Keh-Yih Su [and others] (eds.)