Feature-length films made up of various episodes or stories that are usually connected by a theme, event, location or original author and often have a wrap-around tale. For films that are composed of pre-existing published or unpublished films, or portions thereof, see Compilation films
Television programs made up of different episodes or stories which are usually connected by a theme, event, location or original author, often having a wrap-around tale. For television programs that are composed of pre-existing broadcast or unbroadcast television programs, or portions thereof, see Compilation television programs
Anthology Television Programs : DuPont show of the month. Harvey / by Mary Chase ; adapted for television by Jacqueline Babbin and Audrey Gellen ; produced by David Susskind ; directed by George Schaefer ; a Talent Associates production
Plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic drama
Fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, alien invasion, pandemic, environmental collapse), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic fiction
Literally, "bad place." Use for works that are accounts of imaginary worlds, usually in the future, in which present tendencies, beliefs, principles, or theories are carried out to their intensely unpleasant culmination. Examples include George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave new world
Fiction that features military conflicts. For fiction that features the military lifestyle and loyalty to the armed forces and its codes and is generally set during peacetime see Military fiction
Films that feature military conflicts. For films that feature the military lifestyle and loyalty to the armed forces and its codes and are generally set during peacetime see Military films
Use for stories dealing with wars, campaigns or battles from the military angle. Do not use for stories dealing with the social aspects of wartime life. For novels belonging to another genre and with a wartime setting, prefer the heading for that genre, e.g., Adventure fiction, Mystery fiction, etc
Television programs that feature military conflicts. For television programs that feature the military lifestyle and loyalty to the armed forces and its codes and are generally set during peacetime see Military television programs
The texts of 16th-17th century courtly entertainments that combined poetic drama, music, dance, song, lavish costume, and costly stage effects with a simple mythological or allegorical plot
Antique Laid Papers Paper : The history of the principal transactions of the Irish Parliament, from the year 1634 to 1666 : containing proceedings of the Lords and Commons, during the Administration of the Earl of Strafford, and of the First Duke of Ormond: with A Narrative of His Crace's Life, collected from the Papers of Sir Robert Southwell, Knt., Secretary of State in Ireland, and President of the Royal Society. To which is Prefixed, A Preliminary Discourse on the Ancient Parliaments of that Kingdom. By the Right Hon. Lord Mountmorres. In two volumes
Plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic drama
Fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, alien invasion, pandemic, environmental collapse), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic fiction