Atiologische Erzahlung : The problem of etiological narrative in the Old Testament / Burke O. Long
Atlanta Ga 1999 : From the margins : historical anthropology and its futures / edited by Brian Keith Axel
Atlanta Ga Konferenzschrift 2003 : Crossing the rift : resources, routes, settlement patterns, and interaction in the Wadi Arabah / edited by Piotr Bienkowski and Katharina Galor
Atles Anatomics : Comprehensive atlas of upper and lower extremity reconstruction : from primary closure to free tissue transfer / Efstathios Karamanos, Bao-Quynh Julian, Douglas T. Cromack
Atomvapen : The Atomic bomb : voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki / editors, Kyoko & Mark Selden
Auckland 2008 : Business intelligence for the real-time enterprise : second international workshop ; revised selected papers, BIRTE 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, August 24, 2008 / Malu Castellanos, Umesh Dayal, Timos Sellis (Eds.)
Audiotape Catalogs : Gesamtkatalog der Sprachaufnahmen des Deutschen Spracharchivs : Teil I: Katalog ; Teil II: Katalog und Register / Mitarbeiterinnnen und Mitarbeitern des Instituts für deutsche Sprache, Walter Haas, Peter Wagener
Audiotapes : Chasing shadows : the Nixon tapes, the Chennault affair, and the origins of Watergate / Ken Hughes