Bisexual Films : Karmen Geï / Euripide [and others] présentent ; une coproduction Arte France Cinéma, Canal+Horizons ; scénario, Joseph Gaï Ramaka ; producteur, Richard Sadler ; réalisation, Joseph Gaï Ramaka
Bisexual Poetry : Masquerade : queer poetry in America to the end of World War II / selected and edited by Jim Elledge
Bisexual Television : The B word : bisexuality in contemporary film and television / Maria San Filippo
Black And White Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Books produced with blank pages that are used for taking notes. For books with blank pages on which artists draw informal or rough preliminary studies see Sketchbooks
Blank Forms -- See Also the narrower term Legal forms
Books produced with blank pages that are used for taking notes. For books with blank pages on which artists draw informal or rough preliminary studies see Sketchbooks
Blaubeuren 1995 : Model theory of groups and automorphism groups : Blaubeuren, August 1995 / edited by David M. Evans
Blind Tooled Bindings Binding England 19th Century : A practical and scientific treatise on calcareous mortars and cements : artificial and natural ... / by L.J. Vicat ; translated, with the addition of explanatory notes, by J.T. Smith
Blu Ray Dvds : She said / Universal Pictures presents ; an Annapurna & Plan B production ; directed by Maria Schrader ; screenplay by Rebecca Lenkiewicz ; produced by Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner
Boards Binding France Paris 19th Century : Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres, contenant: 1.̊ Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique ... 2.̊ Une table en forme de catalogue raisonné ... / par Jacques-Charles Brunet
Bochum 2009 : SDL 2009 : design for motes and mobiles : 14th International SDL Forum, Bochum, Germany, September 22-24, 2009 : proceedings / Rick Reed, Attila Bilgic, Reinhard Gotzhein (eds.)
Boise, Idaho Konferenzschrift 2013 : A writer's topography : space and place in the life and works of Albert Camus / edited by Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire