Cuadros Estadisticos : The adequacy of the benefit amount in unemployment insurance / by Joseph M. Becker
Cuban Literature : José Martí : selected writings / edited and translated by Esther Allen ; with an introduction by Roberto González Echevarría
Cuentos : From a distant relation / Mikhah Yosef Berdichevsky ; edited and translated from the Yiddish by James Adam Redfield ; with a foreword by Avner Holtzman
Cuentos De Terror : Dracula / Bram Stoker ; edited with an introduction and notes by Maurice Hindle ; preface by Christopher Frayling
Texts of individual laws as well as codes and compilations of laws passed by a legislature. For laws enacted by a legislature during a particular session or sessions see Session laws
Science fiction that depicts the relationship between human beings and the rapid advancement and omnipresence of technology, which leads to a radical change in the social order
Cyberpunk Fiction : Broken stars : contemporary Chinese science fiction in translation / translated and edited by Ken Liu
Science fiction that depicts the relationship between human beings and the rapid advancement and omnipresence of technology, which leads to a radical change in the social order
Dagstuhl 1992 : Experimental software engineering issues : critical assessment and future directions : international workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, September 14-18, 1992 : proceedings / H. Dieter Rombach, Victor R. Basili, Richard W. Selby (eds.)
Dagstuhl 1993 : Graph transformations in computer science : international workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 4-8, 1993 : proceedings / Hans Jürgen Schneider, Hartmut Ehrig, (eds.)
Dagstuhl 2004 : Local pattern detection : international seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, April 12-16, 2004 : revised selected papers / Katharina Morik, Jean Franc̦ois Boulicaut, Arno Siebes (eds.)
Dagstuhl 2005 : Principles and practice of Semantic Web reasoning : third international workshop, PPSWR 2005, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, September 11-16, 2005 ; proceedings / Francois Fages, Sylvain Soliman (eds.)
Dagstuhl 2007 : Similarity-based clustering : recent developments and biomedical applications / Michael Biehl [and others] (eds.)