Use for novels and stories dealing with the detection and solution of crime. Where possible assign additional topical headings, e.g. a class-of-persons heading for the investigator, or a heading for the name of the investigator, and headings for the setting and for the crime involved
Detective And Mystery Stories Canadian : Detecting Canada : essays on Canadian crime fiction, television, and film / Jeannette Sloniowski and Marilyn Rose, editors
Detective Camera Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Graphic representations of data. For data in textual form arranged in columns and rows see Tables (Data)
Dialect Drama : Barrio dreams : selected plays / by Silviana Wood ; edited by Norma E. CantĂș and Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz
Dialect Poetry : Six eclogues from William Barnes's Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (first collection, 1884) : with phonemic transcripts / by T.L. Burton, and an audio recording from the 2010 Adelaide Fringe
Diaries 19th Century : Travels in Mexico and California : comprising a journal of a tour from Brazos Santiago, through central Mexico, by way of Monterey, Chihuahua, the country of the Apaches, and the River Gila, to the mining districts of California / by A.B. Clarke ; edited by Anne M. Perry
Diaries England 1874 : The last journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death : continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants, Chuma and Susi / by Horace Waller
Fiction written in diary form. For fiction written wholly or partially in the form of letters, telegrams, electronic mail messages, instant messages, etc., see Epistolary fiction