Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Guimaraes 2009 : Interactive storytelling : second Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2009, Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009 : proceedings / Ido A. Iurgel, Nelson Zagalo, Paolo Petta (eds.)
Hadley Maps Massachusetts : A history of three of the judges of King Charles I. : Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell: who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America ; and were secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, for near thirty years. : With an account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, supposed to have been also one of the judges. / by President Stiles. ; [Five lines from Hebrews]
Haibun : Basho's journey : the literary prose of Matsuo Basho / translated with an introduction by David Landis Barnhill
Haifa 2009 : Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems : 7th International Conference, NGITS 2009, Haifa, Israel, June 16-18, 2009. Revised Selected Papers / Yishai A. Feldman, Donald Kraft, Tsvi Kuflik (Eds.)
Three-line unrhymed poems consisting of 17 syllables that express a single idea, image, or feeling that is generally related to nature. For three-line unrhymed humorous poems consisting of 17 syllables that generally satirize human nature or emotions see Senryu
Haitian Fiction : Stella : a novel of the Haitian Revolution / Émeric Bergeaud ; Translated and Edited by Lesley S. Curtis and Christen Mucher
Halle 2005 : The anthropology of moralities / Monica Heinz
Hamburg 1977 : Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics / edited by J. Peter Maher, Allan R. Bomhard, and E.F. Konrad Koerner
Hamburg 2009 : Multiagent system technologies : 7th German Conference, MATES 2009 Hamburg, Germany, September 9-11, 2009 : proceedings / Lars Braubach [and others] (eds.)
Hamden Conn 2005 : Reverence for life revisited : Albert Schweitzer's relevance today / edited by David Ives and David A. Valone
Hamilton Neuseeland 2003 : Taking tourism to the limits : issues, concepts and managerial perspectives / edited by Chris Ryan, Stephen J. Page, Michelle Aicken
Hand-Colored Lithographs : Soffe's panoramic representation of the grand procession on the day of the Queen's coronation : eighteen feet in length